Also, Tina and the Teenagers wear short braids. Girlish Pigtails: Young Flo in Cooking Dash 3.Excuse Plot: The earlier games doesn't really have any plot beyond the basic premise of having to serve customers in a restaurant (or any other eateries) for whatever reason.An Entrepreneur Is You: Flo owns the diner in some of the games.Dolled-Up Installment: There's a SpongeBob SquarePants version of the game.The only way to stop him is to tap him when it looks like he's about to flee, forcing him to pay, which can be difficult if you're busy with other customers and aren't paying attention to his visual cues. He'll order time consuming dishes that take up space in the cooking line, then attempt to flee without paying, damaging the player's business.

A couple other customers may have this trope. Curtains Match the Window: Tyler, Tina, and the Teenagers, once you see them open their eyes.Also, Kingston the Kid's family all but disappeared after the 2014 reboot, in which he is aged up into a college-aged young adult. The Hot shot, for example, only appears in the first Diner Dash.
Spongebob squarepants diner dash 3 series#

Big Eater: Customers who order twice, such as Hal the Hungry Man, Gordon (from the 2014 reboot), and Minnie (from Diner Dash Adventures).Big is the main antagonist of Diner Dash 2: Restaurant Rescue, Diner Dash 5: Boom! and Diner Dash Adventures, being a Corrupt Corporate Executive who wants to demolish other restaurants (including Flo's) so he can repossess the assets. Bernie the Bookworm shines as Flo's detective partner in DinerTown Detective Agency.Garden Dash stars Barb the Businesswoman.Rosie the Regular is the protagonist of Soap Opera Dash.Ascended Extra: Some minor characters later got to star in their own games:.In the real world, this would count as theft.
Spongebob squarepants diner dash 3 license#